Main Service Panel Upgrade Services - Ensuring Safety and Efficiency for Your Sacramento Home

In an era where modern electrical demands are ever-increasing, particularly with the addition of devices like EV chargers, the need for a robust and updated main service panel has never been more critical. Whether you’re upgrading your home to accommodate an EV charger or replacing a potentially dangerous, outdated panel, our team of trusted electrical experts in Sacramento is here to ensure a seamless transition.

Upgrades Tailored to Modern Electrical Needs


Critical for EV Charger Installation and Outdated Panels

  • Adding an EV charger or other high-powered appliances often requires a stronger electrical system. Our service panel upgrades make this possible.
  • Outdated panels can be a safety hazard. We replace them with modern solutions to protect your home and family.
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    Sacramento's Go-To Electrical Experts

  • Our experienced electricians are adept at handling all aspects of panel upgrades, ensuring compliance with the latest safety standards and building codes.
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    Streamlined Paperwork and Permits

  • Navigating the paperwork for electrical upgrades can be complex. We handle all the necessary permits and documentation, simplifying the process for you.
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    Efficient, Non-Intrusive Service

  • We respect your time and space. Our team works efficiently, aiming for minimal disruption to your daily routine while ensuring top-quality installation.
  • Our Comprehensive Panel Upgrade Process:


    In-Depth Assessment and Consultation

    Recognizing that each home has unique requirements, we provide tailored recommendations for your panel upgrade, ensuring it meets your current and future electrical demands.

    Customized Upgrade Plans

    We start with a thorough evaluation of your current electrical setup and discuss your specific needs, especially if you're planning to add an EV charger or other high-power appliances.

    Safety-First Installation

    Our skilled technicians prioritize safety above all else, adhering to stringent standards during the installation process and conducting comprehensive testing afterward.

    Ongoing Support and Education

    Post-installation, we guide you through your new system's functionalities and remain available for any subsequent questions or support.

    Ready for an Electrical Upgrade?

    If you’re considering adding an EV charger or have concerns about your old electrical panel, now is the time to act. Contact us for a professional consultation and elevate your home’s electrical system with our expert service panel upgrades. Trust us to power your home safely and efficiently.


    Yelp 5 Star – John H.

    Extremely professional. Installed an electric charger for us, as well as took care of some other electrical issues we had around the house. The gentleman who came out to assess our situation was very knowledgeable. They are now assisting with the permit process for finalizing our electric charger installation for a rebate. Highly recommend

    Yelp 5 Star – Aman S

    The company gave a decent estimate and different estimates on the route we may chose.I installed a EV Charger and they provided me with all rebates as well. The technician Memo was really reliable, honest, knowledgeable and patient with us as we had a lot of questions.